Most yummy keto vegetable biryani – full of zest and the right amount of heat. Cauliflower is one of my favorite vegetables and especially since I went Keto almost 3 years go. […]
Servings 4 Nutrition Information per serving (in grams) Carbohydrates – 6, Protein – 24, Fat – 22 Ingredients: Melons/pumpkins cooked and mashed to mashed potato consistency – 2 cups (any of the […]
Paneer is a great way for vegetarians to add some stomach satiating food that also contains the proteins you need. Others can also substitute paneer with bones chicken – either thigh or […]
If you stand the risk of being diabetic, you could switch from green tea to the tea of Tanner’s-Cassia flowers. It’s a legume tree and grows in dry regions of India. In recent […]
Have you given up avoiding weight gain year over year? Do you weigh 20 to 40 lbs more than you did 10 years ago? Have you been told you are pre-diabetic? And […]
In the previous blog, we talked about how for most of us, weight starts creeping up and we suddenly find ourselves 20 lbs., 30 lbs., 40 lbs., 50 lbs. or 60 lbs. […]
In the previous blogs, we talked about how for most of us, weight starts creeping up and we suddenly find ourselves weighing 20 lbs., 30 lbs., 40 lbs., 50 lbs. or 60 […]
Simply put, the ketogenic diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. WHY HIGH FAT? For the last five to six decades, we have been told to avoid fat and unfortunately dietary […]