January 6, 2018

Vegetable Biryani made with Cauliflower Rice

Most yummy keto vegetable biryani – full of zest and the right amount of heat. Cauliflower is one of my favorite vegetables and especially since I went Keto almost 3 years go. […]
January 6, 2018

Vegetable Cutlet

Servings 4 Nutrition Information per serving (in grams) Carbohydrates – 6, Protein – 24, Fat –  22  Ingredients: Melons/pumpkins cooked and mashed to mashed potato consistency – 2 cups (any of the […]
January 6, 2018

Paneer/Chicken Chettinad

Paneer is a great way for vegetarians to add some stomach satiating food that also contains the proteins you need. Others can also substitute paneer with bones chicken – either thigh or […]
January 6, 2018

Discover the wonders of Tanner’s Cassia tea!

If you stand the risk of being diabetic, you could switch from green tea to the tea of Tanner’s-Cassia flowers. It’s a legume tree and grows in dry regions of India. In recent […]